Unliminted looks with 5 touch ups $120 up to 2 hours. Add $50 for additional hour.
Location shoots with 5 touch ups $120 up to 2 hours. Add $50 for additional hour.
Couples 3 different looks with 5 touch ups $200 up to 2 hours. Add $50 for additional hour.
Head Shots - $60 up to 1 hour. Add $50 for additional hour.
CD with all images in jpeg format (No-edit) $300

Price start $500
Ask for Package options

Senior and Family:

Unliminted looks with 5 touch ups $150 up to 2 hours. Add $75 for additional hour.
Location shoots with 5 touch ups $150 up to 2 hours. Add $75 for additional hour.
CD with all images in jpeg format (No-edit) $350